We are Mercur
Mercur has its core in business intelligence and performance management with our proprietary software, Mercur Business Control. For nearly 50 years, we have supported hundreds of customers in business management and decision support.
We are market leaders, helping companies and organizations across all industries achieve better results through enhanced business insights.
With us, you will have the opportunity to work on challenging and rewarding projects and can choose from a variety of career paths, including Consulting, Development, Support, Sales, and Marketing. Today, we assist around 350 companies in the Nordics and Europe in becoming more efficient and making the right decisions.
We have nearly 100 employees and offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, and London.
There is a great passion and pride for both the company and the product among all employees. It is a secure workplace where employees feel comfortable, can be themselves, and care for one another.
Ulf Alkelin, CEO
A strong corporate culture is a high priority at Mercur, and the result is a testament to our employees' satisfaction. Satisfied employees are a cornerstone in delivering excellent results to our customers.
Annie Axedin, People & Culture Manager
Our Core Values
Our culture is a cornerstone of everything we do.
We show interest in our colleagues and customers.
We are building a thriving company with satisfied employees and customers.
We enjoy solving problems and aren't afraid to suggest new improvements.
Our offer

Life cover
As part of our commitment to supporting our employees and their loved ones, we offer a comprehensive life cover benefit.

Private health
Your health and well-being are important to us, which is why we offer health care as a valuable benefit for our employees.

We care about your future, which is why we we contribute to your pension to support your financial security.

Experiences Together
We create unforgettable memories by going on kick-offs twice a year. Both sun and snow are on the agenda!
Sustainability and Responsibility at Mercur!
Together at Mercur, we take our social responsibility seriously and strive to create the future we want for our employees, our community, and our planet.
Environmental Awareness
Almost everything we do impacts the environment in one way or another. At Mercur, we believe that environmental and sustainability issues are important matters that we continuously address in our daily operations.
Sustainable Work Life
Our goal is to have satisfied and healthy employees who maintain a balanced life. To achieve this, we offer a hybrid work model with freedom and responsibility, a generous wellness allowance, and comprehensive health and medical insurance.
Community Engagement
We aim to create positive change through our employees' commitment and by contributing to other organizations that can go further and help the vulnerable and the sick.
Here, you can follow different employees at Mercur on their journey with the company — simply put, Mercurlife!
See all posts here!-
Cloud Engineering hos Mercur – Ett litet men starkt team
För några år sedan ansågs konceptet av molnet hos Mercur som luddigt men trendigt där...
Välkommen Hedda!
Det känns roligt, spännande och lite pirrigt på samma gång.
Välkommen till Jessica
"Jag valde Mercur eftersom det verkade vara ett företag som är mån om sina anställda...
About Mercur
Mercur Solutions AB is a Swedish company with nearly 50 years of experience in delivering business management and decision support solutions. We are market leaders, creating customer value in the form of improved results and higher efficiency. This has been the focus of our operations since the beginning, meaning that the experience and expertise Mercur has built up over the years are invaluable to our customers and partners.